Thursday, December 24, 2009

Autoweek finds that E85 now makes sense

Autoweek takes a road trip and finds ample E85 outlets with low prices.

I am SO jealous of what some of you guys are paying for E85. If it was $2.15 a gallon at Meijer, I'd be continuing my experiment.


Nordic skier said...

In Southwestern Pa. the price spread is currently 4-5% or in other words 10-11 cents cheaper per gallon. I tried to use an E20-30 blend as often as possible. The mileage (mpg) at this level has a minimum difference -sometimes better-than running E10.

1outlaw said...

E85 is $1.99 here. E20 (91 octane) is 2.68. Premium is 2.96. My Saab is still a 20% alcoholic LOL.

Wesley R. Moody said...

Hi. I have an 03' Lincoln LS V8. Those have close to 11:1 compression ratios. I mixed a 2:1 ratio of gas/e-85 and it ran gangbusters! Even on the req'd premium fuel I have some spark knock... not a hint of it with that mix.